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About ScrubMaster
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Sm.jpg (41768 bytes) gives process engineers and designer the power to accurately model and assess the performance of fixed bed, sieve plate & fluid bed scrubber or TCAs (Turbulent contact Absorbers) operated on air/water systems.


smII.jpg (15479 bytes)gives process engineers and designer the power to accuratly model and assess the performance of packed scrubbers operated on air/water systems and follows on the success of ScrubMaster®  designed for the TURBOSCRUBBER® fluidised bed scrubbing system.


£ (UK)

$ (USA)

Option A

One off Basic Programme Price

Includes licence & 12 month full support.



Option B

Includes licence and limited support

900.00 1,400.00

Plus Price per Gas (up to 3)

100.00 150.00

Plus price per Reagent (water based)

150.00 225.00
Plus Price per packing (up to 3) 50.00 75.00


smIII.jpg (15725 bytes)gives process engineers and designer the power to accuratly model and assess the performance of plate scrubbers operated on air/water systems and follows on the success of ScrubMaster®  designed for the TURBOSCRUBBER® fluidised bed scrubbing system.


£ (UK)

$ (USA)

Option A

One off Basic Programme Price

Includes licence & 12 month full support.

925.00 1,400.00

Option B

Includes licence and limited support

500.00 800.00

Plus Price per Gas (up to 3)

100.00 150.00

Plus price per Reagent (water based)

150.00 225.00
Plus Price per packing (up to 3) 50.00 75.00

  For Information on  smI.jpg (14995 bytes) see Turboscrubber

  • Prices exclude postage and packing.
  • Check with FTL/Osprey for availability of various gases and reagents (upgrades and later additions may be subject to future price variations).
  • Discounts are available for multiple licences, educational use and small companies.
  • 50% price reductions for all gases in excess of first three.
  • Full support includes for up to ten full scrubber designs not exceeding 5 hours consulting time as well as software support.
  • Limited support includes for up to three basic modeller scrubber designs not exceeding 1.5 hours time as well as software support.